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  • Section NE-3A

    Section NE-3A
    Six Regions (1973-92)

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    Section History

    NE-3A was formed in 1973 from the lodges of Area 2-J (Ranachqua 4, Shu-Shu-Gah 24, Suanhacky 49, Man-A-Hattin 82, Aquehongian 112, Shinnecock 360, Buckskin 412, Yokahú 506, and Arawak 562), Mide 15, Horicon 246, and Munsi 444 from Area 2-A, Half Moon 28 and Nooteeming 443 from Area 2-D, Skanondo 64 from Area 2-H, and Black Eagle 482 from Area 13.

    Section NE-3B initially consisted of Yokahú 506 and Arawak 562; however, both lodges participated with NE-3A from 1973 on.

    Mide 15 merged with Horicon 246 to form Ktemaque Lodge #15. Effective: 1973 (sometime after the NE-3A conclave).

    In 1984 NE-3A became known as NE-3.

    In 1988, the Northeast Region realigned its six areas into seven areas (twelve sections, reduced from fifteen). As a result Tankiteke 313 and Achewon Netopalis 427 were moved to NE-3A from NE-1E and Half Moon 28, Skanondo 64, Nooteeming 443, and Munsi 444 were moved to NE-2B.

    In 1989, Paugassett 553 was transferred from NE-1B to NE-3A.