Greater New York Council #640
New York, New York


Camp Details


Camp Details
History researched by TMR Scout Museum

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Camp History

Location: Narrowsburg, NY.
Distance from N.Y.C.: 110 mi.
Size: 9.010 acres (original purchase), with numerous additions.
Terrain: Rocky, heavily wooded.
Start Date: Acquired Oct. 7, 1927.
Name Origin: From the Ten Mile River, which empties into the Delaware River on the camp property.
Acquisition: The original tract represented a consolidation of some 200 individual parcels of property, for a total of 9.010 acres. The properties included ninety-wo ditlerent bungalows
sme houses. noes. oons. oncken nouses. snees are.os o miese stuctures were removed as inconsistent with a scout camp. The various properties (including buildings) were purchased by the Real Estate firm of Gaul & Kampfer, Inc. for $370,000. Gaul &
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The deeds were signed over from Gaul & Kampfer, Inc. to the Foundation on Oct. 7, 1927, creating the Ten Mile River Scour Camps.
Property Additions: On Sept. 18, 1929, four additional parcels of property containing 1.008 acres were purchased: 970 acres including Crystal Lake and the surrounding area ($125.000), 73 acres at Turnpike Lake. 15 acres at Trout Pond. 450 acres at Grassy Pond. [All three properties: $25,000).
Weekend Facilities: Cabins, lean-los, tent sites.
Weekend statt: kangers
Lake or Pool: Crystal Lake. Lake Niangue. Beaver Pond. Mud Pond. Half-Moon Lake.
Turnpike Lake, Davis Lake, Mahl's Pond, Rock Lake, Grassy Swamp Pond.
Summer Operations: Full summer camp operations (1928-present).