Change tracking was not implemented intially, so some early change records do not have details outside of the date of change.
30 Jul 2018 | Dave Scocca
- '"A Century of Service"; image of totem pin; fits 2015 event segments; BLK border
for dues-paid member'
- OA100; "A Century of Service"; image of totem pin; fits 2015 event segments; BLK
border for dues-paid member
- R3.jpg
- R3.jpg
- 2018-07-31 02:05:36.281980000 Z
- 2018-07-31 02:08:24.026091475 Z
30 Jul 2018 | Dave Scocca
- OA100; "A Century of Service"; image of totem pin; fits 2015 event segments; BLK
border for dues-paid member
- OA100; "A Century of Service"; fits 2015 event segments; BLK border for dues-paid
member; hidden RED FDL
- ''
- Patch design is an image of an early Nentico gold totem pin. The lodge also issued
a new larger eagle pin that fits over the totem on this patch.
- R3.jpg
- R3.jpg
- 2018-07-31 02:08:24.026091000 Z
- 2018-07-31 02:15:57.981093348 Z