Netopalis Sipo Schipinachk (209B)
Updated 6 months ago
Longhorn Council #662
Hurst, Texas
Lodge Details
Lodge Totem/Insignia Warrior on Horseback
Name Translation Warriors of the River with Outstretched Arms
1071 (2023)
Netopalis Sipo Schipinachk S1
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Netopalis Sipo Schipinachk (209B)
Updated 6 months ago
Netopalis Sipo Schipinachk (209B)
Updated 6 months ago
Netopalis Sipo Schipinachk (209B)
Updated 6 months ago
Netopalis Sipo Schipinachk (209B)
Updated 6 months ago
Netopalis Sipo Schipinachk (209B)
Updated 6 months ago
Netopalis Sipo Schipinachk (209B)
Netopalis Sipo Schipinachk (209B)
Netopalis Sipo Schipinachk (209B)
Netopalis Sipo Schipinachk (209B)
Netopalis Sipo Schipinachk (209B)
The beginnings of Netopalis Sipo Schipinachk Lodge can be traced back to February 1st, 2003, at the Lakeview Lodge conference facility of Sid Richardson Scout Ranch. Delegates from Nishkin Halupa A Pe Lachi 489 (the “Old” Longhorn Council) and Huaco 327 (Heart O’ Texas Council) met to discuss their union, as the two councils had formally merged a few months prior. Despite a rocky start, this meeting, and more to follow produced many fruits; a Lodge Bylaws, a 1st pocket flap design, and the Lodge’s name and totem. The new name, Netopalis Sipo Schipinachk, translates to “Warriors of the River with Outstretched Arms,” and the totem was appropriately chosen to be a Warrior on Horseback. The river of significance is the Río de los Brazos de Dios (translation: River of the Arms of God, a.k.a. the Brazos River), which connects the two councils from north to south.
The initial structure of the lodge was unique, to say the least. Naturally, we had a Lodge Chief, and a set of officers to assist him. However, two “Tribes” were also created, based upon the geographical boundaries of the predecessor lodges. Originally called the Northern and Southern tribes, they later took the names of those lodges, the Nishkin and Huaco Tribes, respectively. Both Tribes had their own Chief and tribe officers to facilitate Lodge activities in their respective regions, such as staffing Ordeals. The Lodge Bylaws declared the Tribe system could only be abolished by signature of the Chief of the Fire (Council Executive), or by a majority vote of the youth of the Lodge Executive Committee. This system, though it worked, did not foster a true sense of unity within the lodge, and in 2007, the LEC voted to abolish the Tribe system.
The same basic events have occurred each year, with a few exceptions. At least one Ordeal has been held each year at all the major council camps: Camp Tahuaya, Worth Ranch, and Sid Richardson Scout Ranch. A few Chapter-run Ordeals at camporees have seen success, as have some lodge-wide Ordeals at Hills and Hollows near Denton, and Camp Jim Braley near Waco. Both Lodge- and Chapter-coordinated Work Days at the various camps have also served as successful Brotherhood Opportunities for members.
The first few years of its existence, the Lodge attended Spring Conclaves (hosted by the Section), and held Fall Fellowships each year, rotating between the three main camps. Due in part to poor attendance, the Fall Fellowships fell out of favor, and began being hosted in early Spring, before Section Conclave. Lodge banquets have varied widely in terms of location and time. Originally held in late Winter solely as Banquets, they have moved to late Summer, and are now considered the Lodge’s “Fall Fellowship” event. Unit elections and callouts were also originally scheduled at different times of the year, depending on the chapter. They are now held uniformly throughout the lodge between January and March, and callouts at spring camporee have been chosen to serve incoming candidates best.