Change tracking was not implemented intially, so some early change records do not have details outside of the date of change.
03 Apr 2020 | Todd Rogers
- 11926
- '2'
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- ''
- &1 2020-04-03 20:32:17.781413192 Z
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- 7
- 257_J1_Front.png
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- unlisted
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- 17
- 460
- Lodge
- false
- OOj1n52ZWx4=
- ''
- true
- precise
- ''
- false
- true
03 Apr 2020 | Unknown User
- true
- false
- 2020-04-03 20:32:17.781413000 Z
- 2020-04-03 20:32:35.472169411 Z
03 Apr 2020 | Bruce Paulson
- 1
- ''
- '41'
- ''
- '1'
- ''
- '41'
- ''
- Segmented Jacket Patch
- ''
- '41'
- ''
- "Ordered originally on 5/7/93. The seven sections of the patch take a minimum of
three years to earn.\r\nThe segments and quantities and dates ordered are:\r\n 5/93
\ 12/93 8/94 6/95 Total\r\nCenter (Service Weekend) 500 500\r\nInduction
(Ordeal, BH, Vigil) 1000 200 400 1600\r\nFall Fellowship 200
\ 200 150 550\r\nWinter Banquet 200 100
\ 150 450\r\nService Above Self (Bottom) 200 100 150
\ 450\r\nMany Fires One Great Light (Scroll) 250 250\r\nRope
(Knot) 250 250\r\nA few Fall Fellowship
segments have been found that are “backwards”. All the lettering is backwards;
otherwise they look fine. It almost appears that the back was put on the wrong
side of the patch.\r\n\r\nAgaming Lodge Segmented Service Patch History\r\n\r\nRobert
Pettitt – Lodge Adviser 1994-1995\r\nWritten 6/15/94 – Revised 1/23/95, 11/2/95\r\n\r\nDuring
preparations for the 1992 National Order of the Arrow Conference, the idea for a
service patch for Agaming Lodge was formulated. Several ideas were discussed but
the idea that was adopted was a service patch based on the very recognizable first
class badge of rank outline. The patch is divided into seven segments; each segment
is earned by participating in specific or multiple lodge activities.\r\n\r\nVery
careful records are kept regarding which individual has received each segment and
when it was earned. Each segment is only given once. When presented, the segments
are a gift from the lodge to the recipient. The recipient does not have to pay
for any of the segments.\r\n\r\nThe segments and their corresponding activities
are:\r\n\r\nPatch Segment\tLodge Activity and Explanation\r\n\r\nCenter\tService
Weekend – This is the only segment that may be earned by both OA members and non-members.
All other segments are for OA members only. This segment may be earned at any Lodge-sponsored
Service Weekend or one+ day-long work event. A regular OA member will receive this
segment or get credit for attendance, toward the scroll or the knot, if he or she
already has the Service Weekend segment. If a make-up Induction, for any honor level,
is run at Service Weekend, only those being inducted or actually participating in
the ceremony/ies may receive the Induction segment. If, in addition to participating
in the Service Weekend, they also participate in the Induction, they may choose
to receive the segment for the Induction instead. It is their choice, but they may
receive only one segment, or get credit for one attendance toward the scroll or
the knot if they already have both the Service Weekend segment and the Induction
segment.\r\n\r\nTop Point\tInduction – An OA member may earn this segment at an
Induction for any honor level. It is earned by both inductees and by those participating
in the induction activities. If a make-up Induction, for any level, is run at any
other Lodge event, only those being inducted or actually participating in the ceremony/ies
may receive the Induction segment. If, in addition to participating in the Induction,
they also participate in the other Lodge event, they may choose to receive the segment
for the other Lodge event instead. It is their choice, but they may receive only
one segment, or get credit for one attendance, toward the scroll or knot, if they
already have both the other Lodge event segment and Induction segment. The other
Lodge events at which make-up Inductions have been run are Spring Service Weekend
(Ordeal, Brotherhood, and on occasion, Vigil) and Fall Fellowship and Winter Banquet
(Brotherhood only).\r\n\r\nLeft Point\tFall Fellowship – An OA member will receive
this segment, or get credit for their attendance toward the scroll or knot if they
already have the Fall Fellowship segment. This segment may only be earned AT Fall
Fellowship. If a make-up Induction, for any honor level, is run at the Fall Fellowship,
only those being inducted or actually participating in the ceremony/ies may receive
the Induction segment. If they also participate in the Fall Fellowship program
they may choose to receive the Fall Fellowship segment instead. It is their choice
but they may receive only one segment, or get credit for one attendance, toward
the scroll or knot, if they already have both the Fall Fellowship and Induction
segments.\r\n \r\nRight Point\tWinter Banquet – An OA member will receive this segment
or get credit for attendance toward the scroll or knot if they already have the
Winter Banquet segment. A Brotherhood Induction would only be run PRIOR to the
actual Banquet. Patches would be presented or credited for which ever activities
in which the members participated.\r\n\r\nBottom\tAn OA member receives this segment
when the four lodge activities above, have been attended. Any time from Service
Weekend ’93 through Service Weekend ’97.\r\nScroll\tAfter the “Bottom” has been
earned an OA member must attend all four lodge activities again, to receive the
Scroll. Attendance is independent of the calendar year or OA year. The earliest
that this segment can/could be received is/was Winter Banquet of 1994 or one year
after the Bottom has been earned. (This requirement was modified by the Executive
Committee 9/19/1995. Previously attendance at the four events had to be “in a row”
with no event skipped.)\r\n\r\nKnot\tAfter the “Scroll” has been earned an OA member
must attend all four lodge activities IN A ROW, no event skipped, to receive the
Knot. Attendance is independent of the calendar year or OA year. The earliest
that this segment can be received is Winter Banquet 1995 or one year after the Scroll
has been earned. (The requirements for the Knot were NOT changed when the requirements
for the Scroll were changed on 9/19/1995.)\r\n\r\nAn even more substantial change
that the Executive Committee made on 9/19/1995 was to allow one substitution a year
for any event. The substitution would take the following form, participation in
three Unit Elections or three Camp Promotions or a combination of Unit Elections
and Camp Promotions to equal three would equal one event (Work Weekend, Induction,
Fall Fellowship, Winter Banquet). To authenticate participation in the three Unit
Elections or Camp Promotions a Participation Substitution Form would have to be
filled out and signed by the Chapter Adviser and forwarded to the Membership Secretary
or Adviser. (End of change.)\r\n\r\nThe responsibility for record keeping and distribution
of the patch segments belongs to the Lodge Membership Secretary.\r\n\r\nDistribution
of patch segments was started at Spring Service Weekend in 1993. All four of the
top segments could be earned as early as 1993. (Note: The OA year begins and ends
with the Winter Banquet. This is where the Lodge officers for the year are installed,
etc. The Winter Banquet for an OA year is usually held in January of the calendar
year following the rest of the activities for the year. In spite of this, it is
still considered to be in the previous “OA Year”, i.e., the ’93 Winter Banquet was
held in January of ’94.)\r\nThe duration of the service patch program was planned
to allow five years for the entire patch to be earned. This means that the Center
would be available through the Spring Service Weekends in ’97. Likewise the Left
Point through Fall Fellowship “97 and Right Point and Bottom through Winter Banquet
of ’97. Since the earliest that the Scroll segment can/could be received is Winter
Banquet of 1994, it will be available through Winter Banquet of 1998. The earliest
that the Knot segment can/could be received is at the Winter Banquet of 1995. It
will be available through the Winter Banquet of 1999."
- 257J2-back.png
- ''
- '57'
- 3
- ''
- Segmented Jacket Patch
- 257_J1_Front.png
- 257_J1_Front.png
- false
- true
- false
- true
- 2020-04-03 20:32:35.472169000 Z
- 2020-04-03 22:53:12.379906731 Z
03 Apr 2020 | Unknown User
- true
- false
- 2020-04-03 22:53:12.379906000 Z
- 2020-04-03 22:53:33.918843981 Z
03 Apr 2020 | Unknown User
- true
- false
- 2020-04-03 22:53:12.379906000 Z
- 2020-04-03 22:53:35.550043484 Z
03 Apr 2020 | Bruce Paulson
- true
- false
- 257_J1_Front.png
- 257_J1_Front.png
- false
- true
- 2020-04-03 22:53:35.550043000 Z
- 2020-04-03 23:01:25.591847880 Z
03 Apr 2020 | Unknown User
- true
- false
- 2020-04-03 23:01:25.591847000 Z
- 2020-04-03 23:01:46.756619879 Z