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Red Mylar Line Under Name
Error Patch. Notice the RMY line under the lodge name which should be GMY if this was a S75 Gold Card Flap. This would appear to be a S74, Service Flap, that was accidently merrowed with a GMY Bdr instead of a RMY Bdr. Both the S74 and S75 were ordered at the same time and received by the lodge in the same shipment. This was found when inventorying the new patches. It is listed simply so that the factual history of what it is will not be lost
This issue is not part of any sets
There have been 2 revisions. Last change was update on 10 Dec 2024 by Larry-Wallace Lane
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This issue exists in the following catalogs:
Nayawin Rār (296A) QS6
Blue Book 6
Nayawin Rār (296A) QS6