Change History

Change tracking was not implemented intially, so some early change records do not have details outside of the date of change.

11 May 2022 | Todd Rogers
--- id: - - 25592 border_color_id: - - '62' border_type_id: - - '3' background_color_id: - - '68' lettering_color_id: - - '57' fdl_bsa_color_id: - - '' description: - - '2 piece round MVE: Letter Thickness' created_at: - - &1 2022-05-11 22:55:57.465704976 Z updated_at: - - *1 image: - - 002aSanhicanJ3.jpeg patchscan_url: - - '' shortname: - - '' history: - - '' material_id: - - 8 backing_type_id: - - 5 issue_shape_id: - - 3 uuid: - - 3BS5TXRWy00= designer: - - '' supress_missing_back_image: - - true date_type: - precise - '' image_processing: - false - true

11 May 2022 | Unknown User
--- updated_at: - 2022-05-11 22:55:57.491888000 Z - 2022-05-11 22:56:02.556436180 Z image_processing: - true - false

11 May 2022 | Todd Rogers
--- updated_at: - 2022-05-11 22:56:02.556436000 Z - 2022-05-11 23:06:50.320316914 Z image: - 002aSanhicanJ3.jpeg - 2a_J3_Front.png image_processing: - false - true

11 May 2022 | Unknown User
--- updated_at: - 2022-05-11 23:06:50.320316000 Z - 2022-05-11 23:07:56.615555446 Z image_processing: - true - false

11 May 2022 | Todd Rogers
--- updated_at: - 2022-05-11 23:07:56.615555000 Z - 2022-05-11 23:16:12.145613653 Z history: - '' - Image provided courtesy of Albertus Hoogeveen

25 Dec 2024 | Scott Kuzma
--- updated_at: - 2022-05-11 23:16:12.145613000 Z - 2024-12-26 04:29:38.097443338 Z image: - 2a_J3_Front.png - 002B_J03.jpg imageback: - - 002B_J03_BP.jpg history: - Image provided courtesy of Albertus Hoogeveen - '' image_processing: - false - true imageback_processing: - false - true

25 Dec 2024 | Scott Kuzma
--- updated_at: - 2024-12-26 04:29:38.097443000 Z - 2024-12-26 04:30:36.654113131 Z supress_missing_back_image: - true - false