Colonial Virginia Council #595
Newport News, Virginia Facebook Page for Lodge Twitter Page for Lodge Instgram Page for Lodge

333 Wahunsenakah’s issues were renumbered in November 2018. Info
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Special thanks to Larry Johnson

Lodge Details


Lodge Details
Created from a merger of Kecoughtan (463A) and Chanco (483A) in 1996 after the merger of their councils.

Lodge Totem/Insignia Duck

Name Translation Chief Powhatan's Name


Membership 847 (2007)

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Lodge History

Wahunsenakah Lodge was formed on January 1, 1996 when Kecoughtan Lodge 463 and Chanco Lodge 483 were merged, four years after their parent councils (Peninsula and Old Dominion Area, respectively) had merged to form Colonial Virginia Council. The name comes from the Algonquin name of Chief Powhatan, Father of Pocahontas and leader of the Powhatan Confederacy which dominated southeast Virginia in the early 1800's.