J1 1960's | (BBv6: J1)
Lebanon County Council #650
Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Special thanks to Special thanks to Ben Lefever for contributing many of the images for Swatara
Superceded 1972
Lodge Details
1972: Merged with Minqua 519 to form Wunita Gokhos 39
Lodge Totem/Insignia Leaping buck
Name Translation Name of a Creek (Iroquois)
Membership No Membership Data
Swatara S1
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P1 (BBv6: P1)
PIN1 1972
R1 1930 | (BBv6: R1)
R2a 1950's | (BBv6: R2a)
R2b (BBv6: R2b)
R2c (BBv6: R2c)
R2d (BBv6: R2d)
R3a (BBv6: R3a)
R3b (BBv6: R3b)
S1 1960's | (BBv6: S1)
W1 1960's | (BBv6: W1)
YS1 (BBv6: )
ZR? (BBv6: )