Change History

Change tracking was not implemented intially, so some early change records do not have details outside of the date of change.

11 Apr 2023 | Scott Gaddis
--- id: - - 30782 border_color_id: - - '44' border_type_id: - - '1' background_color_id: - - '30' lettering_color_id: - - '57' fdl_bsa_color_id: - - '' description: - - '' created_at: - - &1 2023-04-11 23:55:13.035190514 Z updated_at: - - *1 patchscan_url: - - '' shortname: - - '' history: - - '' uuid: - - 3X8PT/KrowA= designer: - - '' supress_missing_back_image: - - false date_type: - precise - ''

13 Oct 2023 | Todd Rogers
--- description: - '' - "Cut Edge, Navy Blue Border, Gray Background No FDL, Blue Details, Red Brown Antelope\r\n" updated_at: - 2023-04-12 05:42:18.053412000 Z - 2023-10-13 18:19:24.036685638 Z image: - - 432_J1e_Front.png imageback: - - 432_J1e_Back.png material_id: - - 6 backing_type_id: - - 1 image_processing: - false - true imageback_processing: - false - true

13 Oct 2023 | Unknown User
--- updated_at: - 2023-10-13 18:19:24.036685000 Z - 2023-10-13 18:19:59.119152217 Z image_processing: - true - false

13 Oct 2023 | Unknown User
--- updated_at: - 2023-10-13 18:19:24.036685000 Z - 2023-10-13 18:20:00.768409368 Z imageback_processing: - true - false