Change History

Change tracking was not implemented intially, so some early change records do not have details outside of the date of change.

31 Dec 2023 | Bill Nelson
--- id: - - 36122 border_color_id: - - '3' border_type_id: - - '3' background_color_id: - - '41' lettering_color_id: - - '68' fdl_bsa_color_id: - - '' first_issue: - - 1970-01-01 description: - - Large GRN/BLK/WHT/YEL frog with DIAG stitching sitting on BRN lily pad in LBL lake; LGR/GRN/BRN evergreen tree at L; DRD/BRN tree at R; far shore has LGR/GRN vegetation and ORG/WHT mountains and LBL twill sky; WHT "OLELEU LODGE 515" atop RED AL; created_at: - - &1 2023-12-31 20:53:02.800423677 Z updated_at: - - *1 patchscan_url: - - '' color_count: - - 9 shortname: - - '' history: - - '' material_id: - - 6 backing_type_id: - - 1 issue_shape_id: - - 6 uuid: - - PM4qjHGhuKo= designer: - - '' supress_missing_back_image: - - false date_type: - precise - approximate year

19 Dec 2024 | Scott Kuzma
--- updated_at: - 2023-12-31 20:53:02.821642000 Z - 2024-12-19 14:12:51.092343792 Z image: - - 515A_F09.jpg supress_missing_back_image: - false - true image_processing: - false - true

19 Dec 2024 | Scott Kuzma
--- updated_at: - 2023-12-31 20:53:02.821642000 Z - 2024-12-19 14:12:54.299426960 Z image: - - 515A_F09.jpg supress_missing_back_image: - false - true image_processing: - false - true

10 Feb 2025 | Bill Nelson
--- description: - Large GRN/BLK/WHT/YEL frog with DIAG stitching sitting on BRN lily pad in LBL lake; LGR/GRN/BRN evergreen tree at L; DRD/BRN tree at R; far shore has LGR/GRN vegetation and ORG/WHT mountains and LBL twill sky; WHT "OLELEU LODGE 515" atop RED AL; - 'GRN stitching on body of frog is DIAG up to the R; finer BLK detail; YEL spot in middle of back; ' updated_at: - 2024-12-19 14:12:54.299426000 Z - 2025-02-10 07:58:04.521709751 Z