eN1961 1961 | (BBv6: eN1961)
Minnesota Valley Area Council #284
Mankato, Minnesota
Special thanks to to Dan Berg, descendant of the only Tribe Chief (Donald Berg), for sharing comprehensive history, photos and facts.
Merged 1969
Lodge Details
Existed concurrently with Tribe of Mazasha from 1933-1944. The Tribe of Mazasha was the Camping Honor Society of Lodge 69 arrowmen and may have had in its membership non-oa members who were instrumental in Camp Patterson (Minnesota Valley Area Council) camp creation, development and maintenance. It was decided that starting in 1944, there would be only Lodge 69 and no separate Honor Society, the Tribe was thereby dissolved.
1969: Merged with Wapaha 53 to form Midewiwin 53
Lodge Totem/Insignia Chief Mazasha
Name Translation Red Iron
Membership No Membership Data
Mazasha F1a
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