Garden State Council #690
Rancocas, New Jersey Facebook Page for Lodge Twitter Page for Lodge Instgram Page for Lodge


Special thanks to Dave Short

Lodge Details


Lodge Details
2014: From merger of Te'Kening 37 and Hunnikick 76

Lodge Totem/Insignia Red Tailed Hawk

Name Translation True people

Membership 270 (2023)


David Chasen (editor) The red vigil bolo was the first vigil piece given out when the lodge was formed. It is not a fake. It followed the tradition of lodge 37 who had the same plastic bolos (given out for vigil candidates, recollected after vigil was received). This changed to leather bolos the candidates kept after the first year of existence, as the new lodge advisor wanted to break all traditions from both predecessor lodges. (The first lodge advisor was the lodge advisor from the predecessor lodge 37). 8 months ago

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