• Section C-1A

    Section C-1A
    Four Regions (1993-2021)

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    Section History

    Effective July 1, 1997, the Central Region announced that the seven areas would be reorganized into six. It wasn't until later that year that the areas were subdivided into a total of twelve sections. The Original Area C-1 was divided into C1-A and C1B. There were 8 subsequent mergers/re-alignments within C1-A until 2021. These are the original lodges of C1-A: Tonkawampus 16, Pa-Hin 27, Wahpekute 53, Tetonwana 105, Sac-N-Fox 108 (from C-7), Miniconjou 438 (from C-7), and Mitigwa 450 (from C-7). On January 1, 2006, Tonkawampus 16, merged with Agaming 257 to form Totanahan Nakaha 16 which remained in C1A