
Matthew Schieferstein

Section Details

Part of Northeast Region
Four Regions (1993-2021)


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Section History

At the 1992 BSA annual meeting, it was announced that the then Six Region structure would be consolidated into Four Regions. Two years later, the Northeast Region's areas and sections were redrawn to conform to the new regional organization. The existing twelve sections were reshuffled from seven to five areas. Final conclaves for the old sections where held in 1994. Section NE-2C was formed from ten lodges from the Six Region NE-3A.

In January 1996, the lodges of NE-2C were combined with NE-2A, to form a new Section NE-2A which had a total of eighteen lodges.

On September 1st, 1999, the Northeast Region consolidated from five areas to four (ten sections, down from eleven). The new section boundaries were effective at the conclusion of each section's 2000 conclave. Section NE-3A is renamed NE-2C. The new section gained Ktemaque 15 and Nacha Nimat 86 from NE-3B, while losing Shinnecock 360 and Buckskin 412 to NE-2B, and Tschitani 10 to NE-1B.

In March 2008, a new realignment for the Northeast Region was announced. In late May, the official section assignments were made available as posted by John Pannell at OAImages Blog. The region increased from four to seven areas, and from ten to twelve sections. New sections went into effect following the 2008 conclaves. Section NE-2C is split between three sections. For the first time ever, the GNYC lodges are split between two different sections: Shu-Shu-Gah 24, Man-A-Hattin 82, Aquehongian 112 to NE-7A, and Ranachqua 4 and Suanhacky 49 to NE-7B, which now includes the other Long Island lodges Shinnecock 360 and Buckskin 412. This spilt would be the end of Section NE-2C.