Part of Northeast Region
Four Regions (1993-2021)
NE-3A eX1993
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Greater New York, Brooklyn Council #642
Greater New York, Manhattan Council #643
Greater New York, Staten Is Council #645
Suffolk County Council #404
Theodore Roosevelt Council #386
Puerto Rico Council #661
Virgin Islands Council #410
Westchester Putnam Council #388
Greenwich Council #67
Fairfield County Council #445
Housatonic Council #69
Quinnipiac Council #74
Connecticut Rivers Council #66
Connecticut Yankee Council #72
Five Rivers Council #375
French Creek Council #532
Otetiana Council #397
Greater Niagara Frontier Council #380
Allegheny Highlands Council #382
Chief Cornplanter Council #538
Iroquois Trail Council #385
Finger Lakes Council #391
Revolutionary Trails Council #400
Baden Powell Council #368
Hiawatha Seaway Council #373
Cayuga County Council #366
Otschodela Council #393
Seneca Waterways Council #397
Longhouse Council #373
Greater New York Council #640
Otetiana Council #397