• Section SE-7

    Section SE-7
    Six Regions (1973-92)

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    Section History

    In 1981 the Southeast Region reorganized its areas. The eight North Carolina lodges of SE-3A were joined by three lodges from the western part of the state. Now 11 of the 12 lodges headquartered in NC were all in the same section. They chose to nickname their section's annual event as the Old North State Conclave. The section now contained the following lodges: Tali Taktaki Lodge 70, Occoneechee Lodge 104, Croatan Lodge 117, Wahissa Lodge 118, Tslagi Lodge 163, Itibapishe Iti Hollo Lodge 188, Uwharrie Lodge 208, Nayawin Rar Lodge 296, Klahican Lodge 331, Catawba Lodge 459 and Eswau Huppeday Lodge 560. At the end of 1991 Tali Taktaki Lodge 70 and Uwharrie Lodge 208 merged to form Keyauwee Lodge 70.