A1 1989 | (BBv6: A1)
Cherokee Council #417
Burlington, North Carolina
Merged 1994
Lodge Details
The Lodge never considered it a second Lodge, only the correction of the misspelling of the name.
Lodge Totem/Insignia Black Arrow - Black goose - Native American
Name Translation Cherokee in the Cherokee Language
Membership No Membership Data
Tsalagi F2
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N1 1992 | (BBv6: N1)
S1 (BBv6: S1)
S2 (BBv6: S2)
S3 (BBv6: S3)
S4 1990 | (BBv6: S4)
S5 1990 | (BBv6: S5)
S6 (BBv6: S6)
S6.5 (BBv6: S6.5)
S7 (BBv6: S7)
S7.3 (BBv6: S7.3)
S7.5 (BBv6: S7.5)
S8a (BBv6: S8a)
S8b (BBv6: S8b)
X1 (BBv6: X1)
ZX1 (BBv6: )