eR1964-1 1964 | (BBv6: eR1964-1)
Chicago Area Council #118
Chicago, Illinois
Merged 2018
Lodge Details
1929: From merger of Moqua 7, Wakay 13, Checaugau 21, Blackhawk 23, and Garrison 25
Owasippe is the subject of an indian legend that takes place in Muskegon MI around 1870, in this legend Owasippe tragically dies awaiting the return of his two teenage sons who were traveling to Chicago via canoe. Owasippe is the namesake of Owasippe Scout Reservation.
Lodge Totem/Insignia Arrow and hand of fellowship representing five original lodges
Name Translation Name of Indian legend (see notes)
501 (2007)
Owasippe F4a
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