Greater Cleveland Council #440
Cleveland, Ohio Twitter Page for Lodge


Special thanks to Gary Gole, David Jewel, Karl Henley, and Noah Boksansky.

Lodge Details

Merged 2017 with Portage 619 and Wapashuwi 56

Lodge Details
1924: Chartering process was started but never completed; 1955: Chartered; 2017: Merged with Portage 619 and Wapashuwi 56 to form Erielhonan (440B)

Lodge Totem/Insignia Stag

Name Translation The Crooked River (Algonquin)


Membership 461 (2007)

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Lodge History

The Camp Director of Cleveland’s Scoutcraft Camp (known as Chagrin Scout Reservation), Mr. Burt Reed, became interested the Wimachtendienk WW in the 1920s. He had heard of the young camp fraternity and needed information for its possible incorporation into the Greater Cleveland Council program.

On March 26, 1924, he sent a letter requesting information to Mr. WA Stump, Scout Executive, Boy Scouts of America, Bronx NY. Formal application was made on August 7, 1924 by Bert Reed and the required fee of $15.00 was enclosed. The number 17 was thus reserved for the Cleveland Lodge. In order to formally charter the lodge, it was necessary that the local Scout Executive Mr. John K Dean and three representative men submit in writing to the Grand Scribe, each over his own signature, adherence to the first degree (Ordeal Honor) obligation. This is the first step in organizing a lodge, but there was no evidence that the step was ever taken.

During the 1930s and 1940s, several efforts were made by the National Boy Scout office to revive interest in the formation of an Order of the Arrow Lodge in Cleveland. During these years, the Greater Cleveland Scout Executive, Mr. George C Green, was very dedicated to the traditional ideals of Scouting. Mr. Green believed that the Order of the Arrow was not a positive contribution to these ideals.

On April 17, 1955, Mr. Henry C Shires, Deputy Scout Executive of the Greater Cleveland Council, wrote to the National Order of the Arrow about organizing a lodge in Cleveland. With the information received, Mr. Shires and Mr. Frank W Braden, Council Scout Executive, Cuyahoga Lodge #17 became a reality.

The lodge took its name from the local Indian name of the winding river (the Cuyahoga) and its totem, the stag, from the majestic beasts who once roamed the forest throughout the area. The charter was formally granted on November 28, 1955.

The selection of charter members of Cuyahoga Lodge #17 proceeded during the summer of 1955 at Camp Chagrin and Camp Beaumont. The candidates selected were all members of the camp staffs of Chagrin and Beaumont. The induction of the 23 Scouts so selected was held at Camp Chagrin on September 27-28, 1955. The Ordeal Induction Ceremony was performed by members of Stigwandish Lodge #114 (Painesville) and Marnoc Lodge #151 (Akron). On October 7-8 at Camp Chagrin, 5 Scouters and one Professional were inducted as Charter Adults. Director of Camping, Mr. Ralph Diamond, was appointed Staff Advisor and Mr. Edwin Perkins III, a member of the Council Camping Committee, was appointed Lay Advisor. With the transfer in of Scouters and Staff from other lodges, the lodge membership for 1955 totaled 39 people.

-- From the history of Cuyahoga Lodge, written by "Uncle" Hal Swinerton