eS201x-1 2015 | (BBv6: )
Greater Cleveland Council #440
Cleveland, Ohio
Special thanks to Gary Gole, David Jewel, Karl Henley, and Noah Boksansky.
Merged 2017 with Portage 619 and Wapashuwi 56
Lodge Details
1924: Chartering process was started but never completed;
1955: Chartered;
2017: Merged with Portage 619 and Wapashuwi 56 to form Erielhonan (440B)
Lodge Totem/Insignia Stag
Name Translation The Crooked River (Algonquin)
461 (2007)
Cuyahoga F1
Sign up for an account to track your needs or collection of this Lodge!
eS201x-1 2015 | (BBv6: )
eS201x-2 2015 | (BBv6: )
eS201x-3 2015 | (BBv6: )
eS201x-4 2015 | (BBv6: )
eN1970 1970 | (BBv6: eN1970)
eN1972 1972 | (BBv6: eN1972)
eS1991 1991 | (BBv6: eS1991)
eS1993 1993 | (BBv6: eS1993)
eS2001 2001 | (BBv6: S52)
eR2005-0 2005 | (BBv6: )
eX2005-1 2005 | (BBv6: eX2005-1)
eX2005-2 2005 | (BBv6: eX2005-2)
eX2005-3 2005 | (BBv6: eX2005-3)
eX2005-4 2005 | (BBv6: eX2005-4)
eX2005-5 2005 | (BBv6: eX2005-5)
eX2006 2006 | (BBv6: )
eX2007 2007 | (BBv6: )
eX2008 2008 | (BBv6: )
eS2015-1 2015 | (BBv6: )
eS2015-2 2015 | (BBv6: )
eS2016-1 2016 | (BBv6: )
eS2016-2 2016 | (BBv6: )
eS2016-3 2016 | (BBv6: )